Thursday, October 14, 2010

Difference between Day and Night(DBDN)

Light and the Dark Matter (LDM):

Whenever I start my blog, the idea is from my childhood. So today I am going to deal with the known word Light, opposite word of Dark or Dark matter whatever it is. Usually Human Kind will go to sleep when light is absent.We call it as night. In that night we were afraid of Devils and the Ghosts in our childhood.Its an easy way to our mother to stop us from the night play. Okay, we started to be in home. And we were thinking why school timing is in day time and why we sleep in night. Why we cant go outside the home in midnight.

We kept quite because nobody was going to answer our question, if someone answered also that is not the satisfactory one.Thinking this and doing home work of our school is quite better than to play in ground.But sometimes(Daytime) early morning playing football in the midst is such a wonderful experience. Really now we are missing.

For all these questions related to Light. Definition of Light is from wikipedia "Light is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (in a range from about 380 or 400 nanometres to about 760 or 780 nm).In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not.Five primary properties of light are intensity, frequency or wavelength, polarization, phase and orbital angular momentum.Light, which exists in tiny "packets" called photons, exhibits properties of both waves and particles."

I dont know whether this will go to your mind or not.But it is necessary to keep in your mind. As definition says it is an electromagnetic radiation. Means it is the form of energy.
Small deviation here, whenever I want to take any decision two answers will come Yes or No. Yes is from right part of the brain and No is from left side of the brain. Side is not important here but the two answers.
Similarly When energy is there we will be active, when energy is absent we will become tired. Or If petrol(Energy source) is there in your vehicle it will be in motion. If not the rest occurs.In this way we feel light as food or petrol or energy. When it is there all the human kinds will be active means in day time. But in the absence we feel tiredness or inactive so that we fall in sleep in night.You may ask after lunch also some people will sleep.For them my answer is they are tired by work or trying to see night in day.This is all about Day or Light.

Dark Matter(DM):
Night we observe the darkness more. If we see the sky we can see many stars, not the Black Holes. Black hole is a last state of stars. It becomes black material after all the reactions becomes end. Such as Nuclear Fission in Sun.

But the fact is whatever we see it as black we assume it as Dark matter.But there matter exist just we cant see. Example is Half moon, it is not half with having half visibility. But other half part is also having matter. The full moon we can see once in a month. Why i am saying like this being Physics student its because of nature. God has given us the capacity to see only seven standard colors "VIBGYOR". For our sake people kept the name Visible Range. Refer the below figure.

Regrading this many research groups are working,
1)Why the night sleep is better for man kind?
2)Do we get any energy in daytime? Like plants from the Sun. Accept the melanin which is protein produces in our skin by sunlight.
3)Really the dark matter is present?
4)If we face 24 hour night then we will be alive or not?

Etc many questions are there to be answered.


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