Friday, September 17, 2010

Birds Move in Unison (BMU)

"Bird flock"

If we remember our childhood, we will find some wonderful's of Mother Nature.
1) When we were walking on river shore, we will find many fishes are moving so fast they will not disturb the continuity and speed.
2) When we were sleeping particularly in village, facing towards sky during day time*. Many birds will be travelling in "V" shape. Also we might have seen thousands of birds in a single group with a very high speed.
3) Straight line of Ants when they will find sugar in Kitchen.

In next paragraphs, I am going to discuss with Scientific words.

A flock of birds hundreds strong wheeling in perfect synchrony overhead is one of nature's great sights. If a single bird fell out of line, utter confusion could occurs, yet none does. Harmony reigns, spawning a behavior (flocking, with its swift motion and sudden course changes) that is not predictable from knowing all there is to know about any single bird. Flocking "emerges" from simple rules instinctively followed by each bird: keep a precise distance away from and stay aligned with your nearest neighbors, and avoid predators. The "wave" of people in a stadium operates along similar lines (minus the predator[one who does not take part in making wave] part).

Animal flocks, be it honeybees, fish, ants or birds, often move in surprising synchronicity and seemingly make unanimous decisions at a moment's notice, a phenomenon which has remained puzzling to many researchers.

Now they are ready with answer, which will get support from Physics means from Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics.

The theory uses a particle model to explain the collective decision making process of flocks of birds landing on foraging flights.

Using a simple self-propelled particle (SPP) system, which sees the birds represented by particles with such parameters as position and velocity,they found that the collective switching from the flying to the landing state overrides the individual landing intentions of each bird.

In the absence of a decision making leader, the collective shift to land is heavily influenced by perturbations the individual birds are subject to, such as the birds' flying position within the flock. For this explanation, we have to consider two polythene bags in which we are going to pour Sand and Grains respectively. Sand will occupy the perfect arrangement but in second bag of Grains, we will find the gap or not perfect as sand.

As the Scientists explain, "Our main motivation was to better understand something which is puzzling and out there in nature, especially in cases involving the stopping or starting of a collective behavioural pattern in a group of people or animals.
"We propose a simple model for a system whose members have the tendency to follow the others both in space and in their state of mind concerning a decision about stopping an activity. This is a very general model, which can be applied to similar situations."

Possible applications include collectively flying, unmanned aerial vehicles, initiating a desired motion pattern in crowds or groups of animals and even finance, where the results could be used to interpret collective effects on selling or buying shares on the stock market.

In Scientists way of thinking which we will call as model. In that model they allow the motivation of individual birds to be influenced by only the observable variables of their neighbours, such as position and velocity and also a method that enables them to work in open boundary conditions where the birds in flight move cohesively and do not spread out in the horizontal plane even in the presence of perturbations. With this model they investigated the level of synchronicity in collective landing
across time and space and explore the nature of fluctuations close to the point in time when birds were flying in flock.

It can be understood from the point of Physics by reading the below mentioned paper.I am remembering my birth place where I saw all these mysteries in my childhood. Walking on, shore of the river. Sleeping in night, facing towards the sky. I used to ask these questions to my aunt, they were unaware of Physics. They used to say God will rule them, god has given order to fly in that way only. Every child will stop asking questions, when someone will say god is the reason for all these things. There the questioning mind will die. But now, we are getting the answers for those questions but we cant explain to our aunts. We learnt Physics they did not. It is easy to convince them. I love them.

Hakki Haratava,
Hari guda seratava,


* Night also birds will fly in groups.


Google for Images and some Information about Bird flocks.

New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 093019.

News of Sciencedaily.

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